To ogłoszenie wygasło w dniu 2021-10-31 15:50.

Experienced Cloud Software Engineer

Sabre Polska

8 000 - 22 125 zł brutto

Język programowania

Opis oferty

Led by Mike Nygard, author of “Release It! Design and Deploy Production-Ready Software”, Sabre Next Generation Platform (NGP) provides a technical platform for Sabre product teams. The technical platform gives product teams the freedom to deploy enhancements multiple times per week. Teams are able to deliver new features from concept to production in days. It's possible because the Platform as a Service that we offer solves common issues like autoscaling, log aggregation, metrics collection and analysis, transaction tracing, messaging. We utilize Docker, Kubernetes, OpenShift, EFK, Kafka/Strimzi, GCP, AWS. We’re also very keen on open source. We contribute to some of the technologies listed above as well as publishing other things we’d like to share on our GitHub account. Each member gets time to “Sharpen the Saw”, to play with new toys or technologies. We take pride in delivering high-quality software in the Cloud.

For you Cloud is more than a job, it’s also your hobby and passion. With a background in development, operations, and R&D you know what it takes to design, automate and support cloud deployments. With a sense of urgency, you are able to deliver high-quality solutions. You quickly learn new skills and then apply them to the problem at hand. You bring passion, enthusiasm and technical proficiencies to our team.


For you Cloud is more than a job, it’s also your hobby and passion. With a background in development, operations, and R&D you know what it takes to design, automate and support cloud deployments. With a sense of urgency, you are able to deliver high-quality solutions. You quickly learn new skills and then apply them to the problem at hand. You bring passion, enthusia•    Building our platform for running Microservices, and Containerized Apps in the Cloud
•    Developing Cloud solutions including CI/CD, Monitoring, Messaging (e.g. K8S Operators)
•    Training other teams to run their products using our Platform,
•    Acting as a technical consultant and advocate for the NGP System Services
•    Participating in the Open Source products evaluation, analysis, configuration according to the Sabre requirements
•    Utilizing Agile to deliver high-quality, reactive solutions, with a keen eye for scalability and reliability
•    Applying fundamental skills, concepts, and practices to solve difficult assignments
Job Requirements:

•    Min. 2 years of experience on a similar position
•    Experience with containerization-based technologies such as Docker, Kubernetes / GKE
•    Experience with at least one of programming languages (Java, Go)
•    Experience with scripting capabilities (Bash, Python, etc.)
•    Familiarity with Cloud Native Applications design patterns and best practices
•    Experience in Continuous Integration (e.g. Maven / Gradle), Continuous Delivery (e.g. Jenkins Pipelines), Infrastructure as Code (e.g. Ansible)
•    Experience in Agile and DevOps culture
•    Positive attitude, attention to detail, a team player, excellent problem-solving skills, and strong work ethic

Additional assets:

•    Experience with IaaS / SaaS platforms such as Google Cloud Platform, Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure.
•    Experience with developing K8S Operators (K8S APIs, CRDs, etc.)
•    Experience in exposing and consuming REST, GRPC services
•    Knowledge of EFK (ElasticSearch, FluentD, Kibana), OpenMetrics (Prometheus, Thanos, Grafana), OpenTracing (Jaeger)
•    Contribution to open source projects
Why is it worth working with us?
•    Profit from our VIP medical package with free travel insurance and dental care, sport medicine and life insurance
•    Join the tax deduction program (if your job is eligible for it)
•    Enjoy attractive parental benefits beyond the legally required
•    Lift your qualifications through wide range of trainings and get technical certification reimbursement
•    No dress code and flexible working time 
•    Additional days off every year for longer vacations and up to 4 days for your charity contribution
•    Recommend your friends and get a very attractive referral bonus
•    Take care of your well-being with free access to a Premium version of the Headspace application
•    Profit from working from home in different variants (we will share details with you)
•    If you prefer to work in the office, free of charge parking lot for the employees

We will give careful consideration to your application and review your details against the position criteria. You will receive separate notification as we progress your application. Please note that only candidates who meet the minimum requirements will proceed in the selection process. To learn more about the people and culture at Sabre, follow us on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

Metodologia pracy

  • System kontroli wersji ― Git
  • System zarządzania projektem
  • Metodologia Agile ― Scrum, Agile
  • Komunikator firmowy ― MS Teams
  • Code review
  • Continuous Integration
  • Testy jednostkowe
  • Testy integracyjne
  • Testerzy w zespole
  • System zarządzania wiedzą
  • Statyczna analiza kodu
  • Swoboda w wyborze oprogramowania


  • Pokój gier
  • Darmowy parking
  • Kuchnia
  • Elastyczne godziny pracy
  • Szkolenia
  • Prysznic
  • Dodatkowy, 10-tygodniowy pełnopłatny urlop ojcowski, a dla mam dopłata do 100% stawki do 12 tyg
  • Dodatkowe dni urlopowe (do 4 dni wolnych w roku) na akcje charytatywne
  • Dostęp premium do aplikacji HEADSPACE
  • Co roczne premiu zależne od wyników pracownika oraz wyników finansowych firmy
  • Bonus za skuteczne polecenie pracownika
  • Możliwość rozliczania autorskich kosztów uzyskania przychodu (w zależności od stanowiska)
  • Nowoczesne biuro - ergonomiczne warunki pracy
  • Prywatna opieka zdrowotna - Pakiet VIP z opieką dentystyczną

Praca w Sabre Polska

O Sabre Polska

W Sabre razem tworzymy podróże. Dostarczamy oprogramowanie dla linii lotniczych, lotnisk, agencji podróży, hoteli, wypożyczalni samochodów, pociągów a nawet promów.
To właśnie dzięki naszym technologiom możesz łatwo zaplanować swoją podróż - od tej najmniejszej aż po podróż dookoła świata. Możesz sprawdzić ceny i rozkłady lotów, zarezerwować miejsce w samolocie czy hotelu, a także zarezerwować transport.

Global Distribution System (GDS) to serce naszego biznesu. Gdy wyszukujesz lot na stronie internetowej lub odwiedzasz biuro podróży, Twoje zapytanie jest obsługiwane przez jeden z zaledwie kilku systemów GDS na świecie. Bardzo prawdopodobne, że to właśnie nasz system.

Współpracujemy z ponad 400 liniami lotniczymi, 175 000 hotelami, 1500 lotnisk a także ponad 700 klientami z branży cargo, lotów czarterowych i innych.
Sprzedaż biletów, zarządzanie załogą, serwisowanie samolotów, planowanie lotów, bezpieczeństwo - to tylko niektóre obszary, w których wspieramy naszych klientów.

Pytania i odpowiedzi