Following standards in the software development process
Collecting and analyzing software requirements
Preparing software design documentation
Programming software modules
Preparing and performing tests to verify software work products
Must have
MSc degree in Electronics or Computer Science or related
Good knowledge of C programming language
Experience in designing and programming microcontrollers and processors.
Experience in digital signal processing (DSP)
Ability to speak, read, and write English
Nice to have
Knowledge of audio transfer interfaces (I2S, TDM)
Familiarity with Texas Instruments DSP processors C6X series
Knowledge of McASP
Ability to measure and analyze audio signals
Knowledge of SW engineering tools supporting software production process
Our offer
The budget for this position is up to 94 PLN/h net on B2B or 12 000 PLN gross on standard work agreement
Possibility to attend internal and external training
Relocation package (4500 PLN total value), paid in three installments (1500 PLN per month)
Referral bonus (2000 PLN total value)
Benefits: Extended medical care (over 80 medical facilities in Krak贸w) for you and your family; Multisport Benefit card; life insurance
Remote work option
High standard facilities, kitchen or easy access to food-courts or restaurants; comfortable location, easy access by public transport, parking for bicycle
Ta rekrutacja prowadzona jest w serwisie zewn臋trznym. Po klikni臋ciu powy偶szego przycisku zostanie wczytana strona rekrutera na kt贸rej mo偶na kontynuowa膰 proces rekrutacji.