Senior Automation Tester


19200 - 21600 PLN

Company size
25 - 49
Technology stack
Nice to have
Nice to have
Remote, Lublin

We are looking for a Senior Test  Automation Engineer! ???

100% #remote, long-term cooperation

Tech stack: Java, Groovy

About the project:
You will be a part of a team of developers in which we are building a completely new operational communication system in the safety-critical railway environment.
The activities for the Scrum Team include the development of essential parts of the user interface (designed to be very flexible and adaptable to customer needs), the required backend (designed as an application server and integrated into a Kubernetes environment), as well as the development of the corresponding IMS (IP-Multimedia System) application server for the rail-specific voice communication functions.
Your tasks:
▪ Engineering automated end-to-end tests to ensure the proper implementation and functioning of our micro service backend and our web-based micro frontends 
▪ Engineering endurance and resilience tests to ensure the performance-critical operation; operation, administration, and maintenance
▪ Improving in-house automation platform, the continuous delivery pipeline and the supporting tool landscape
▪ Contributing to the improvement of test processes
▪ Support the software engineering team and guide the team with knowledge and experience
▪ Evaluating and taking responsibility for architectural decisions 
▪ Cooperating with an international project, development teams and
 with the strategic and technical product management
What we expect from you:
▪ Experience in automation of complex end-to-end tests (4-5 years’ experience)
▪ Experience with Java and Groovy
▪ Experience in team-oriented development of complex distributed software systems in a Linux-based cloud-like environment with a strong focus on availability, continuous operation, security, and safety
▪ Being open to work as part of a Scrum team at scale (SAFe methodology)
▪ Experience with continuous delivery and the supporting tool landscape, like Jenkins
▪ Experience with Zabbix, Prometheus and the Elastic Stack of advantage
▪ Experience with Kubernetes and OpenStack of advantage
▪ Willingness to travel to the headquarters (Vienna) for ramp-up 
▪ Good English communication skills (at least B2 level)

▪ international clients with challenging projects
▪ enthusiastic work atmosphere, good team-spirit
▪ medical and sport benefits or adequate compensation for them
▪ integration events

About Trimetis
Trimetis is an international Consulting, IT-services and Sourcing Company. Established by senior experts with a long track record in large international consulting firms, the group is focused on delivering high-quality services for clients around the globe, with a special focus on Central and Eastern Europe. Our customers are global top brands across various industries, and we help them developing top products with latest technologies.

If you are interested, please send your CV in English including the following consent:

”Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych zawartych w moim CV przez Trimetis Services Sp. z o.o., z siedzibą przy ul. Łużyczan 10, 20-830 w Lublinie na potrzeby procesu rekrutacyjnego (zgodnie z ustawą z dnia 10 maja 2018 roku o ochronie danych osobowych (Dz. Ustaw z 2018, poz. 1000) oraz zgodnie z Rozporządzeniem Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2016/679 z dnia 27 kwietnia 2016 r. w sprawie ochrony osób fizycznych w związku z przetwarzaniem danych osobowych i w sprawie swobodnego przepływu takich danych oraz uchylenia dyrektywy 95/46/WE (RODO)). Zostałem/łam też poinformowany/a o przysługującym mi prawie do sprostowania, uzupełnienia, ograniczenia, czy też usunięcia tych danych.”

If you are interested in taking part in further recruitment processes, please include the following consent:

„Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych w celu prowadzenia przyszłych rekrutacji przez Trimetis Services Sp. z o.o.”

We look forward to receiving your application!
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